Hi there! I’m Iris, an Eau Claire native and mama to an amazing little girl. Things that bring me joy include: spending time with my family, my two labradoodles, Poppy and Pugsley, reading, yarn crafts, nature, and enjoying a tasty meal.

My newest passion is pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. I absolutely love listening to birth stories and love to share my story too! I dove in headfirst when I started my motherhood journey and learned as much as I could about pregnancy and birth and some about the postpartum period. I had an amazing and empowering experience with the birth of my daughter which fueled my excitement for all things pregnancy and birth. I did some basic planning for the early postpartum period but a lot of things took me by surprise, the biggest thing being a major identity shift. I felt like my whole world had been turned upside down and inside out. I have learned a lot through my own struggles and plan to put more thought into postpartum planning for any future pregnancies. One of my major challenges was having healthy nutritious food that I could eat while taking care of my baby. A few friends dropped off food for us which I welcomed with open arms. I prepped a couple meals ahead of time but otherwise I was pretty unprepared. When my husband went back to work and then had an illness when baby was 5 weeks old it was a huge struggle to prepare food and when I did it was simple things and junk food, not the nourishing food that I needed to heal, feed and take care of my baby.

I believe the culmination of my life experiences cooking with my mom and grandma growing up, working in restaurants, meal prepping for my family, nutrition tracking, having a job in food safety and ultimately my pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences have given me a desire to care for new mamas in the postpartum period. I want to honor every mother while she goes through her matrescence, support her through the ups and downs of new motherhood, and nourish her mind, body and spirit. I am passionate about honoring and memorializing birth through storytelling and placenta prints. When I asked my mom about my birth, she didn't have a lot of details to share which is understandable because it was over 30 years ago. It would have been such a gift to be able to read my mom’s recollection or listen to her tell the story of my birth and my sibling’s births. Check out photos of my placenta prints on this page.

I would be honored to support you and your family with postpartum meal prepping services, postpartum doula care or birth honoring activities to help you have the happy and healthy postpartum that you truly deserve.